Dowland Works

We called it Dowland Works because, well, it really does...
— Emma Kirkby DBE

In 2012, two of the world’s finest early musicians started a group to share their knowledge with the next generation. This was Jacob Heringman and Emma Kirkby. With their guidance, a club of young professionals was soon meeting to sing around a kitchen table.
Now, members of Dowland Works meet regularly to play together, give concerts, and keep the music alive.

Dowland Works: Senior

Dowland Works: Senior

and Junior

and Junior

In 2018 two long-time members of DW were invited to run a workshop for younger musicians. The event was such a hit that Dowland Youth Works was born.

DYW was formalised in 2020 with a simple mission statement: to introduce early music to young musicians and to coach, encourage and inspire them.

The Course

Every year we sponsor eight or nine young musicians - singers and lutenists - to take part in the scheme and study lute song with us.
Our intention is to share this music as widely and inclusively as possible, and therefore the course is completely free for attendees.

Scholars take part in an expert course, delivered in three residencies throughout the year.


Introduction to the works of John Dowland and his contemporaries:
Introduction to reading facsimile; singing with the lute; singing in consort and as soloist; engaging with text and gesture


Participation in concert with Dowland Works
Singing alongside noted professionals; coaching with Emma Kirkby


Filmed concert given by Dowland Youth Works:
developing recording technique; recording sessions with professional studio engineers;
solo song recordings


Term Dates for 2022 - 23


25 - 27 October 2023


12 - 14 February 2024


22 - 24 July 2023 (tbc)

If you like the sound of what we do, you can find out how to apply here